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Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség



Those registered users who use the computers for their studies (search in databases, do their paper, have a lesson or use Neptun) have priority. Te computers in the library have the Office programmes in them (word processor, spreadsheets processor, etc.) internet connection. 
Registered UoD citizens may use the computers for free of charge. Registered non-UoD citizens and users with a day-ticket have to pay 200 HUF/30 minutes.


The library's online catalogue (OPAC) can be accessed from each computer in the library. The remote and 24/7 access of the catalogue is provided on the website of the library.

For searching in the subscribed databases requires to be a registered member of the library. 

It is strictly prohibited to use the computers for:


  • doing any illegal activity,
  • doing any immoral activity, 
  • doing any business and/or
  • downloading film or music! 

Only the appointed computers can be used for printing and scanning strictly by the copyright laws. The services are subjects to charges, you find the prices here:


Copying, printing (black&white)

15 HUF/A4 page

Copying, printing (black&white)

30 HUF/A3 page

Copying, printing (black&white)

30 HUF/double A4 page

Copying, printing (colour)

80 HUF/A4 page


page 1-15: 100 HUF
from page 16: 250 HUF