Interlibrary loan
The aim of interlibrary loan is to provide all our registered users with the ducemnts they need but the library does not have in its collection.
For using the service you will need to accept the followings:
- you can ask a book or books and/or article(s)/chapters by filling this form;
- before sending your request, please check if the document you need is not in our collection;
- all the fields marked with a * has to be filled in, these data are required to clearly identify the document(s) you need;
- if the required document can be found in Hungary, we forward the request to the library that has it;
- if the required document cannot be found in Hungary, we offer to ask it from abroad.
- in case of an inland request:
- book(s): the cost of sending it back via post;
- article(s)/chapter(s): the price of copying or scanning of the sender library;
- in case of a request from abroad:
- book(s): 4.500 HUF/book (+ postal cost);
- article(s)/chapter(s): cca. 3.500 HUF/article (+ postal cost).
Payment: in cash: at the lending desk when you get the documents.
We are informing you about the arrival, the costs and the deadline of the document(s).
Order cancellation:
- in case of an inland request: the order may be cancelled without any fees unless the sender library has already sent it;
- in case of a request from abroad: orders from abroad cannot be cancelled.
- it is always the sender library that sets the lending period;
- you can ask renewal before the deadline but it is the sender library's decision to give it or not;
- the documents that cannot be borrowed cannot be asked via interlibrary loan;
- the sender library declares the conditions of usage (eg.: the document sent by it cannot be borrowed);
- journals are not borrowed, only articles can be asked via interlibrary loan;
- theses and dissertations are not borrowed and no copy can be asked about them;
- books from abroad cannot be asked in the year of publication.
Having any further questions, feel free to ask the librarians or contact us via or +36-25/551-729.

Library's opening hours
17.02.2025 - 18.05.2025
Sunday - Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 10 am - 6 pm
Wednesday: 10 am - 6 pm
Thursday: 10 am - 6 pm
Friday: 10 am - 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am - 3:30 pm* / CLOSED
*Only at the weekends for part-time students:
01.03.2025; 08.03.2025; 22.03.2025; 29.03.2025; 05.04.2025; 12.04.2025; 26.04.20025; 10.05.2025; 17.05.2025.