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Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség

15 November 2017
Information about pay-off method
Please, read the following instructions about the pay-off (that was sent to via Neptun on the 13th November, 2017).

Parts of pay-off:

  • Full-time students: student hostel, library, Neptun/ Finances.

The method of pay-off is an electronic procedure, it involves the submission of the final exam registration form.

If you do not use the services of the library anymore and you do not have any document and/or financial debt, you are asked to deliver your library card in person or via post until 4th December, 2017. If you do so, you do not have to separately pay-off.

If you want to use the library after 4th December, you have to do the pay-off by the previous day of your final exam. The method:

The document named Leszámolási jegy can be downloaded from the Neptun’s login screen. Print it and fill it in with your personal data, then bring it to the library during the opening hours, get it signed and stamped then bring it back to the office F-117 (Study Office).

Please note, that you can do the pay-off method only in the opening hours of the library!

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!